MWC- 4YFN Agenda
During the last decades, the pharma industry has experienced an evolution on its perspective towards public healthcare.We have progressively moved from a drug-centred to a patient-centred approach, which has transformed the pharma industry model into a Health solutions provider under the concept of “Beyond the pill” to a more long-term sustainable structure.
However, there is a perspective that is receiving increasing interest and investment that can improve the population’s health while making the system sustainable: prevention.
What if the Pharma industry can reduce the appearance of severe diseases while still being a key player in the healthcare environment?
We are a community of private and public players in the healthcare environment.
We have unified our efforts to make a paradigm shift that strengthens preventive care to develop a healthier society through a sustainable system
Private entities include pharmaceutical, diagnostic and other healthcare-related companies aiming to improve society’s health through their business.
These companies can dedicate large investments for research and provide effective and safe solutions to help disease prevention.
Private entities benefit from preventive care by marketing solutions such as vaccines, diagnostic tests or other preventive drugs.
Public entities include government organisms, public hospitals, public health agencies and educational institutions.
These organisms can provide regulatory frames, economic support and basic research to develop and execute preventive care strategies.
Public entities benefit from preventive care by enhancing productivity, improving society’s health and increasing health sciences knowledge.
The general audience include patient associations, schools, individual patients, etc.
This public can both incorporate preventive strategies and promote them, being itself a channel of communication.
The general audience benefits from preventive care by increasing its QOL and reducing acute and chronic diseases risks.
Private entities include pharmaceutical, diagnostic and other healthcare-related companies aiming to improve society’s health through their business.
These companies can dedicate large investments for research and provide effective and safe solutions to help disease prevention.
Private entities support preventive care by providing solutions like vaccines, diagnostic tests, and preventive medications, helping patients stay healthier longer.
Public entities include government organisms, public hospitals, public health agencies and educational institutions.
These organisms can provide regulatory frames, economic support and basic research to develop and execute preventive care strategies.
Public entities benefit from preventive care by enhancing productivity, improving society’s health and increasing health sciences knowledge.
The general audience include patient associations, schools, individual patients, etc.
This public can both incorporate preventive strategies and promote them, being itself a channel of communication.
The general audience benefits from preventive care by increasing its QOL and reducing acute and chronic diseases risks.
To help patients
No patient enjoys their disease. Either it’s an acute or a chronic illness, the process reduces the quality of life of the individual and their close ones.
The main pillar of preventive care is improving the society’s Quality of Life by reducing the frequency and severity of disease processes
To help HCPs
Healthcare professionals are overwhelmed by the large flux of patients with different conditions. While some tasks are being derived (for example, to pharmacists), the optimal scenario should let HCPs the adequate time to help their patients.
A preventive approach can help freeing HCPs’ schedules from patients with preventable diseases, thus offering quality time to the remaining patients.
To help the society
Curative care is a reactive strategy that involves a large, suboptimal economic investment. This compromises the sustainability of the public healthcare system.
Preventive care reduces healthcare costs and improve society’s productivity due to disease prevention. For every 1€ spent on preventive care, there can be savings of up to 2€ to 4€ in curative healthcare costs.
To help healthcare players
Switching to a more preventive approach requires the collaborative participation of all parts including public (government, HCPs, medical societies, patient associations) and private (pharmaceutical and diagnostic industries) players.
Through this collaboration, both parts can benefit from this innovative strategy while increasing the society’s health.
Join the afterwork at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona
(4th March, 18:00h) within Barcelona Health Hub
We will discuss strategies that help the healthcare ecosystem become more sustainable while meaningfully improving population’s health and quality of life
Mª Clara Cano – CEO, Unlimited Thinking
Jan Liska – Global Population Health Strategy Lead, Sanofi
Dr. Xavier Santamaria – Gynecologist Co-founder, Bioliquid
Lucien Engelen – CEO, Transform Health
Laia Casanova – Breast Cancer Survivor